What of the future?
Robots are walking computers basically go here to see videos now. Once we can build a computer to interface with the human brain, download memories and life experiences, directly from one brain to another. Live in virtual dream worlds, where anything is possible, what would we do? Lets face it who had this technology first science or everybody in their own dreams at night. Dreams have existed for thousands of years but only now are we beginning to be able to create simulated realities.
   Who spends the most money on building robots? The arms dealers! So is the future going to be like the Matrix? War robots taking over the world?? Or even like Terminator with Skynet taking over the world? A central computer brain running the world's robots? Will robots disobey humans and why?

     Definitely we will have better computers and robots, in the very near future. How we use, or abuse them, is down to us. Robots will do exactly what they are told, all we have to worry about is those who are controlling the robots. We know we have used them as soldiers in the past. I think though we should focus on the positive side that maybe yes the military get the toys first but we always end up benefiting from it, in the end. :)

One day will Skynet take over?

Female Android

This is basically a robot with a latex mask.
      It's amazing how in one video, she can recognize items, like the glass of water and the sandwich, using her eyes! And she answers questions and chats. She appears to stand on her own but I couldn't find footage of her walking. Even Asimo looks a little scared of falling the way he walks.

Dancing robots

Dancing robots Video

Dancing robots what will they think of next? But this shows you how advanced they are in programing these guys.



Doesn't Asimo look scared? He crouches to balance as if he expects to fall any minute. Like a primate who is better use to all fours? Except when he runs! Wow is he cool when he runs!!!

ASIMO is not for sale, and is not ready to help people yet. Honda is working on the mobility part; other schools are working on making robots very smart. Putting mobility and artificial intelligence together, the promise of robots may come true.

After a brief history of robots, ranging from the science fiction machines of construction robots that put together our cars, ASIMO took to the stage much like a rock star. There was loud music, flashing lights and cheers from the crowd. His audience at the Washington Convention centre was made up of almost 800 students and their teachers from D.C. schools.

ASIMO stands for Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility. It is 4 feet high and it can move a lot like we do, with 26 degrees of freedom. That means being able to move different "joints" in different directions. It also means forward and backward maintaining balance at all times, and turning without the standard pivoting of early robots. They had to walk in a straight line, stop, shuffling around in one spot to turn, then walk in a new straight line.

But ASIMO is a lot different. It can walk in figure eights, gesture - and even exudes a personality; perhaps more from the humanoid shape and smile. It even challenged three students to a balancing contest. While ASIMO stood on one foot with its "cameras" closed, the students tried the same thing, eventually flailing arms lost out to the robot's technology.

The Honda engineers who have been working on ASIMO have concentrated on making it move in our world so it could be useful to help the elderly or wheel chair bound. ASIMO could answer the door, pick up a phone or newspaper. ASIMO's tour is designed to get young people excited. "We want to inspire young people to study sciences such as math, chemical engineering, anatomy, all the sciences that it took to make ASIMO," says Jeffrey Smith, in charge of the ASIMO Project.

ASIMO even goes up and down stairs. One of its twin cameras gauges ASIMO's position as the steps are taken. The other camera is used to recognize people that can give it commands. Asimo is not the only mobile robot this little guy can ride a bike.